ITS-B  2. skupina


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Per aspera ad astra

“Z znanjem do zvezd”


Lucius Annaeus Seneca


Pri angleščini smo se učili pisati članke in poročila. Teme smo si izbrali sami, a so mnogokrat vključevale vtise dela na daljavo.


Za predmet likovna umetnost smo fotografirali slovensko krajino in naredili slikovno reportažo dela na daljavo v času pandemije. 


Med urami informatike smo se trudili izdelati in oblikovati svojo spletno stran, v katero smo vključili naše projekte iz angleščine in likovne umetnosti. Učili smo se tudi računalniška jezika HTML in CSS.

Last vs This Year

Report on how online learning at Jesenice  Grammar School has changed from last year The aim of this report is to provide my personal evaluation of...

Field Trip (Emil)

 A report on a field trip to Peca  INTRODUCTION This report, written for ITS B subject, describes a 5 -day school trip to Peca, which was organised...

Field Trip

Report on Gorenje Field Trip This report is aimed towards describing how our field trip went at the beginning of this school year, which was heavily...


My Recent Hiking Experience The aim of this report is to recount my experiences from the recent hike that I took with my family, as well as present...

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is not encouraged enough in schools I consider critical thinking to be one of the most important human virtues. It allows us to...


To Read Is To Live More Than One Life Some students may find reading books exhausting and try to avoid it. However, once given a chance, it can...

Online Learning

Benefits of online learning The Covid -19 pandemic has challenged the education system across the world and forced educators to shift to an online...

Free Time

A Great Way to Spend Your Free Time   As humans are not capable of working long, uninterrupted periods of time, there is a requirement for free...
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